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Welcome! In this guide, we will take you step-by-step through the sign-up process with Liquid so you can participate in the Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) of Phun Token.

1. Register to become a Liquid member

In order to participate, you will need to create an account on Liquid.

Enter the following as seen on the sign-up site:

  • Country of Residence
  • Email
  • Create a password
  • Name
  • Last name
  • Affiliate Code (optional)

2. Enable 2-factor (2FA) verification

You will need to enable 2FA in your security settings to unlock Basic Account Status to start buying as well as enhance the security of your account.


3. Identity Verification

Proceed through the KYC Identity Validation Process.

Liquid will send you an email notification with the results of the validation shortly thereafter.

Click here to learn more about the setup and verification process.

Once all the steps have been completed successfully, you can begin trading Phun!

4.  IEO live now through October 3rd, 5pm JST (+9GTM)

The following incentives are available for purchasers:

  • Purchasers will earn double bonuses for their purchases of Phun on Day 1 and Day 2.
  • One purchaser (selected at random) who purchases by the end of Day 2 will win an additional $10,000 USD in Phun.
  • The purchaser who makes the single largest purchase within the sale period will receive an additional $25,000 USD in Phun.

To reward purchasers for sharing this opportunity with others, the following incentives are also available:

  • If the Phun IEO raises $1-2 million USD, every purchaser will receive an additional distribution of Phun representing 10% of their first purchase.
  • If the Phun IEO raises $2-3 million USD, every purchaser will receive an additional distribution of Phun representing 20% of their first purchase.
  • If the Phun IEO raises $3 million USD or more, every purchaser will receive an additional distribution of Phun representing 30% of their first purchase.

Now accepting USD, BTC, ETH, QASH, BCH, USDC.
Restricted countries: Phun is currently only available to residents outside of the United States and Canada or any sanctioned country.

5. Ways Phun can reward you:

This IEO will end on October 3rd, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to be rewarded for being you!

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