GPS technology is great—when you’re outside. Indoors, GPS doesn’t work so well because the satellite signals are blocked by the building(s), and GPS navigation was never designed to operate with the precision necessary for small indoor spaces.
Beacons are small devices (about the size of a matchbook) that send low-energy Bluetooth signals to estimate the proximity of another Bluetooth-enabled device (such as your smartphone). Beacons can even be installed on something mobile—such as a cart or a piece of equipment. Multiple beacons can pinpoint locations at distances anywhere from 100 feet down to just a few inches.
One of the main advantages of beacons is that even if no Wi-Fi or phone signal is present, beacons will still work. Phunware’s navigation system uses beacons to detect an app user’s location through triangulation.
Note: Beacons do not interfere with hospital equipment or technology systems.