Suzy is an advocate of Design-Led Thinking & Human Centered Design and has had numerous opportunities to lead with these approaches to problem solving across Product and Design at Phunware, inclusive of the Phunware product suite and for a host of customer solutions historically at Phunware.

A collector of many hats to wear, Suzy brings expertise across numerous disciplines, inclusive of: Product and Design Vision & Strategy, User Experience Design, Design Systems & Interfaces, User Research and Testing, Product Definition & Roadmapping, Discovery Facilitation & Workshopping, and Product Marketing & Branding.

Suzy began her career in creative Advertising, but quickly found a home within the burgeoning field of user experience design. She joined Phunware in 2010 as a UX Designer and continues to evolve and grow alongside the company into management and executive level roles. Today she heads up both Product & Design and works collaboratively with folks across specialities to ensure every product or solution delivered is of top quality and works to solve human problems.

Suzy holds a BS in Advertising from the University of Texas at Austin and is a graduate of the Texas Creative Program. When she’s not thinking about design and problem solving, you can find her outside hiking, paddle boarding, biking or gardening, or inside reading, painting or cuddling with her two cats.

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